We've all dealt with manipulative people throughout our lives. However, when it comes to dating and relationships some zodiac signs can be more manipulative in relationships than others. And while all zodiac signs have their own weaknesses, people who are strong examples of certain sun signs may be more manipulative than others.
According to astrologer Cindy Mckean, zodiac signs can predict certain characteristics about individuals, including any negative traits they may have in relationships. "No one likes getting played, especially when it comes to matters of the heart," Mckean says. That's why knowing a sign's tendency toward manipulation can help you glean some insight when looking for a potential partner.
However, just because some signs might be more manipulative than others, doesn't mean they don't have any redeeming qualities. And in the context of relationships, dating doesn't mean they will be the cause of toxic relationships. Everyone has the opportunity and ability to lead happy and healthy relationships, even those who fall into these specific zodiac signs.
If you get the feeling that someone is being manipulative, there are some signs to look out for, which can be extremely helpful when it comes to relationships. Here are the four zodiac signs who may be most manipulative in relationships, according to experts.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Geminis have the ability to use their words to manipulate and change the meaning of what they're actually trying to get across. "They know how to word things so perfectly that it may sound like they're saying one thing when they're really saying another," says Mckean. In other words, Gemini are so clever with their words, they're not even aware of their manipulation. If a Gemini is looking to combat their manipulative behavior in romantic relationships, they need to be more mindful of what they say the messages they are trying to get across to their partner.
Leo (July 22 – August 23)

Similar to Gemini, a Leo is able to use language to twist the narrative of a story, astrologer Lisa Stardust, tells Bustle. "When the lion feels threatened or insecure, they can use their roar to change the narrative of a story, using the weaknesses of others to help them achieve their goals," Stardust says. However, once they enter in relationships, Leos may need to learn how to make room for their partner's needs and voice. Luckily, sharing the love is easy for Leos, since they are often celebrated for their generosity and kindness.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

Scorpios might not be the most emotionally expressive of the signs, which can lead to confusion in relationships. As a result, according to Stardust says Scorpios are able to manipulate through their silence. However, if a Scorpio is looking to settle down in a relationship, there are ways that they can combat their manipulative behavior. "Scorpios should try opening up more — discussing feelings openly can help mend fences and create long-term relationships," Stardust says.
Pisces (February 18 – March 20)

Pisces are known for being intuitive, and this is especially true when it comes to relationships. "Pisces may have a strong intuitive sense of what others need," astrologer Linda Furiate tells Bustle. "Often, they may want to take responsibility for how others are doing. Pisces may easily control or manipulate a partner into doing what they feel is best, rarely considering the needs of their partner." However, there is hope for Pisces to amend this habit. Pisces can work on this by learning to go with the flow a bit more and be willing to allow their partner to be open about their needs and feelings, Furiate says.
Remember, these signs also have lots of other loving traits and can make amazing partners. In other words, there's no need at all to shut someone down just because they fall into one of these categories. The best thing you can do in a relationship is to be open-minded and have an open heart: So why not do that, too?
*Note: A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to the folks at Bustle Magazine, where this was originally published on September 18, 2018. Cleverly presented by the lovely, Lauren Dana, a writer, rosé drinker, and sushi consumer based out of the GORGEOUS NYC (my old stomping grounds - Woot! Woot!) Check out her articles on petite fashions, good food, and fun ideas through Bustle.
Thank you again, Bustle!!!!!! Want to read the article on Bustle instead? Available at: https://www.bustle.com/p/4-zodiac-signs-who-are-the-most-likely-to-be-manipulative-in-relationships-11954493