
Cindy Mckean
Feb 24, 20203 min read
Are Patrick Mahomes and Brittany Matthews Destined to Be Together Forever? What Their Signs Say
Astrologer Cindy Mckean, who is based out of Kansas City, says that Virgos have a reputation for being adaptable and practical.

Cindy Mckean
Jan 27, 20203 min read
Patrick Mahomes & Brittany Matthews’ Astrological Compatibility Is A Total Touchdown
According to Astrologer, Cindy Mckean, Mahomes and Matthews have celestial compatibility.

Cindy Mckean
Apr 19, 20194 min read
A 'Pink Moon' will be visible this weekend. Here's what that could mean for you.
A "Pink Moon" can be seen for a few days this April.It's not actually pink.Astrologers believe it may affect your emotions.Visit...