Cindy Mckean
Apr 15, 20152 min read
More on Living on a Pluto Line
Not to long ago I wrote about how it is like to live on a Pluto line. You can find that post here: Living With Pluto. In summary, I wrote...
Cindy Mckean
Apr 11, 20153 min read
Coincidence or Astrology?
There is an intriguing emotional synastry between Woodrow Wilson and Leonardo Di Caprio. Ironically, it was announced that DiCaprio would...
Cindy Mckean
Mar 29, 20154 min read
Which reading is right for me? Choosing between Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, and Dowsing.
Are you overwhelmed or confused as to which kind of reading you should get? In this article, I'll discuss how what you want to know...