
Cindy Mckean
Jul 10, 20187 min read
8 Signs The Universe Sends When Your Partner Is Not "The One"
It might be safe to say that even the biggest skeptics out there believe, at least a little bit, in "The One;" you know, that your...

Cindy Mckean
Jul 1, 20184 min read
The 4 Most Emotionally Available Zodiac Signs
Emotional availability doesn't mean constantly wearing your heart on your sleeve. Instead, learning how to be emotionally available is...

Cindy Mckean
Jun 28, 20185 min read
What Kind Of Partner You Are, Based On Your Palm Lines
If you're looking for a way to gain some insight into your love life that doesn't involve knowing your birthday, just take a look at the...

Cindy Mckean
Jun 25, 20184 min read
These Are The 4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be A Ride Or Die Partner
Every relationship has its ups and downs. But not every partner is good at keeping it together through it all. And while you can try to...