Astrology Readings
With so many uncertainties we experience, have you ever thought that all could be well if life just came with a map - or at least an explanation of why you're here and why certain things have happened to you?
Now imagine being given that knowledge, personalized, just for you...
Having the power of that perspective lets you know that you aren't alone, imagining things, or out of control. That kind of power will help you understand your past, why things are currently happening in your life, and what kind of things you can expect in your upcoming future.
Welcome to the power of your horoscope!

By your horoscope I mean the snapshot of the sky the moment you took your first breath at your time of birth. It details where the planets were in relation to each other with the Earth being the center of the observer's scope.
The way the planets relate to each other correspond to themes and patterns in all areas of your life's development. What kind of impression you make on people, how you handle finances, what sort of career path you'll likely follow, what kind of partner you're attracted to, your family dynamics, health concerns, sex, love, travel, friendship, failure...and so much more.
There are dozens and dozens of different types of chart readings that can be done. I've listed the most popular with a brief explanation below. If there are others you know of and are curious about, ask me about them.
Our discussion will be in presented in simple fashion (e.g. no "astrological jargon”). I will clearly “translate” the symbols and cycles of your horoscope into practical insight that you can apply to the real world. All of your concerns put forth will be fully addressed. It will be a reading that will be insightful and practical, and more likely than not - something that will undoubtedly put a smile on your face!
If timing of events (esp. when or how long you can expect something to happen), this is the reading for you!

Natal Chart Reading
With this reading you'll understand that your life is not a random and chaotic path and why you make the choices you make, take certain actions, and have specific reactions to events in your life. You'll leave with a sense of renewed self-esteem and sense of closure. If you never had an astrology reading done before, this is the reading I recommend you start with.
Please have the following ready before your reading:
birth date (month/day/year)
exact birth time (sometimes as little as 2 minutes makes a difference!)
birth location (city, state, county, country)
Current Patterns & Year Ahead/ Transits Reading
Planets travel in repetitive cycles. These cycles are mirrored in your chart during your lifetime. I will look at your patterns for the upcoming year and identify strategies to maximize your strengths and minimize obstacles. This reading is recommended if you already have had a Natal Chart Reading. If you have questions on decisions on an upcoming move, career prospects, financial status, relationship status, and family matters, this is the reading for you.
Please have the following ready before your reading:
birth date (month/day/year)
exact birth time (sometimes as little as 2 minutes makes a difference!)
birth location (city, state, county, country)